Calendar of Events


Tiki Bar

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  3. Tiki Bar
Events at this venue

Complimentary Boozy Bingo Hawaiian style

Tiki Bar

Come play complimentary boozy bingo Hawaiian style with a Canopy Oaks twist. Each winner will receive a Tiki token for the bar. Three games played with multiply winners for each game.

Boozy Yahtzee

Tiki Bar

Bring a team of two and play the classic game of Yahtzee Canopy Oaks style. Each Yahtzee and top team score will receive a Tiki token for the bar.

Adult Boozy Bingo

Tiki Bar

You have never really played bingo until you play RCO style. 5 games played. Winner of each game will receive a token for the Tiki Bar.

Campfire with S’mores $

Tiki Bar

Come join us around a campfire for $1 S'mores and a great ending to the day. If you play a guitar, bring it for a sing-along.

Cornhole Tournament

Tiki Bar

Sign-up a team of 2 for this double elimination tournament. Games will follow the Simple Backyard Cornhole rules published by the American Cornhole Organization. Check-in your team with Resort staff between 1:30 and 1:45. Registration fee is $20 cash per team. Once all teams are checked in, Resort staff will create the bracket and start … Continued

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