Calendar of Events


Tiki Bar

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  2. Venues
  3. Tiki Bar
Events at this venue

Tipsy Trivia

Tiki Bar

Create a team of 4 people and test your knowledge about general trivia. Each member of the winning team will receive a drink token. No cell phones please. You must be 21 to play.

Complimentary Adult Booze Bingo

Tiki Bar

Come to the Tiki for Bingo. Grab a "superhero" drink special and join in the fun. New prizes for the winners of each game. 5 games played. You must be 21 to receive a "booze" prize token.

Bonus Bar Bingo

Tiki Bar

Join us at the Tiki Bar for Happy Hour Bonus Bingo. 5 games played with winners of each game receiving their choice of a BOGO: deli sandwich, ice cream, or drink token. You must be over 21 to play.

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